Walden poster
Dead Poets Society--Transcendentalist ideas in Robin Williams most well-know film
Walden Poster--50 points. 25 for the photo, 25 for the writing
Due Monday after Thanksgiving break. Tuesday we will judge all of the posters and the top three will receive extra credit. Do a good job!
Here's what I need you to do for the poster:
1. Find a meaningful quote, preferably one that isn't quite so common. Top scores usually (but not always) go to those.
2. Take a photo that illustrates the meaning of the quote. Spend quite a bit of time coming up with the concept for your photo before taking the picture. Although this isn't a photography class, do your best to take an artistic photo. If you need help, go to the Internet for ideas. You may get help from someone, if you would like. Remember, you can learn how to do anything if you just Google it or YouTube it!
3. Type 1/2 - 1 page, single-spaced, explaining how your poster illustrates the idea in the quote. This page will be displayed with your poster. Please
put two of the most important sentences in bold so that we can quickly get the gist of what you are saying.
As you watch
Dead Poets Society, I would like you take 3/4 page of notes identifying ideas of Transcendentalism found in the film.
"We don't read and write poetry because it is cute; we read and write poetry because we are members of the human race and the human race is filled with passion" Pain, love, beauty hope--emotion--are the things of life
We create our own opportunities for making life extraordinary.
Carpe diem--seize the day--live life to the fullest. Set high, private goals and make them happen
Savor words and language. There's a deeper meaning.
There is a Higher Way found by seekers
The powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse to the great poem of life.
"Only in their dreams may men be truly free; 'twas always thus, and always thus will be"--Keating
"Rip it out.. . we're not laying pipe . . . think for yourselves (come up with your own interpretation of the poem]"
"We don't read and write poetry because it is cute; we read and write poetry because we are members of the human race and the human race is filled with passion"
"Carpe diem"
The class itself illustrates individualistic approaches to finding meaning
"Only in their dreams may men be truly free; twas always thus, and always thus will be"--Keating
SAT Vocabulary --50 Terms with example sentences
Learn "spawn" to "tantalize" for Friday
When you get your PSAT scores back, don't throw them away!
You will receive your scores December 10th and need to bring them to me on the 11th
Thoreau's radical theory of education
Page 33
". . . you do not mean that the students should go to work with hands instead of their heads . . Roger's penknife from his father?"
Changing Education Paradigms--Sir Kenneth Robinson
Do Schoools Kill Creativity
Bring on the Learning Revolution
Life is Your Talents Discovered
How to Escape Educations Death Valley
Walden. You are not required to read the entire book.
10 other pages of your own choosing. For these pages, I would like a 1/2 page summary of key ideas that you will share with the class. Be sure to include at least 2 quotes.
Challenge words for honors students who are willing to go beyond the mark and study things that don't actually earn you points but which make you effective communicators and strong readers. No, you won't be tested on these. Are you willing to study them?
SAT Vocabulary--10 Terms
1. Focus on the individual--you are unique in this universe and "you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?"
2. Nature is the Great Teacher.
3. There is a Higher Way--a spiritual aspect to life that you can get in touch with (Walden)
4.Heart over mind; intuition over calculating power of logic
5.Live in the moment
6. There is beauty in disorder. Life is a mystery that you may understand to an extent on an individualistic level