Thursday, December 18, 2014

Better Huck--Patrick Day or Elijah Wood?

Over winter break finish chapter 22 at least! Try to read ahead and maybe even finish the novel so that you don't have so much homework for the rest of the semester.This novel is your final exam.

Argumentative Writing

Watch first five minutes of both the Patrick Day rendition and the Elijah Wood version of Mark Twain's novel .
Which actor's performance is truer to the text? Write only one paragraph, citing one or two very specific examples from each actor's performance. Remember, a strong paragraph is focused. If you were writing an entire paper on this, you would discuss three or four aspects of the portrayal of the character. Here you should focus on one. 

Take notes--
Patrick Day
Examples of Good Acting                                Weaknesses
1.                                                                   1.
2.                                                                   2.
3.                                                                   3.
Elijah Wood
Examples of Good Acting                                Weaknesses
1.                                                                   1.
2.                                                                   2.
3.                                                                   3.

Write one strong paragraph convincing me that one or the other actor's performance is superior.
Remember, a strong paragraph:

Monday, December 15, 2014

December 15

Sky Full of Stars

She is the symbol of hope in a world of darkness.
Focus on the positives
Contrast helps us understand what is beautiful
Bend "reality" to get to your dreams
He is dedicated
He is willing to devote his entire being to her
When he sees her he feels calm
She fills his emptiness
He would sacrifice himself for her--willing to sacrifice

To write an argumentative or expository paragraph, you will need the following:
1. A topic sentence (your idea stating why the point you're making is valid)
2. Evidence from the text (a quote or other example, that supports your argument)
3. Elaboration (explanation of how the evidence supports this argument)
4. Concluding sentence.

Ralph Waldo Emerson: vocabulary from his essay "Self-Reliance,"    Quizlet, Emerson
Using your cell phones, find example sentences and paste them into the following Google Doc:
Our vocab Sentences
You will be quizzed on the first 10 Tuesday.

Valeria from Costa Rica

Friday, December 12, 2014

Twain's Amazing Adventures

1. Sub for Santa
2. Vocab
3. His Amazing Adventures
Homework: Read to the end of ch. 15
    Some of you actually want to learn a few things in your life and might be interested in taking a look at this list of vocabulary words from the 2010 PSAT

PSAT Scores are due. Bring them MONDAY, if you haven't already.
Watch Mark Twain, His Amazing Adventures. I think that it can be found on YouTube if you happen to be absent.
We will play Twain Jeopardy on Monday.
HOMEWORK: Finish chapter 14 (XIV) in Huckleberry Finn

Sub for Santa
Please consider contributing to our mid-year service project. It would be nice if you could show your parents the Sub for Santa letter and maybe even buy a gift between now and next Friday. I will be collecting money next week to buy a few extra gifts.

Monday, December 1, 2014

December 5

Dead Poets Society

The real life Mr. Keating    Real to Reel, by Gerald Pitts (the guy with the "unfortunate name")

Homework: Read Huckleberry Finn to the end of chapter VI. Uh, that's 6, for you guys who don't know your Roman numerals. Page 39.

Ralph Waldo Emerson: vocabulary from his essay "Self-Reliance,"    Quizlet, Emerson
Using your cell phones, find example sentences and paste them into the following Google Doc:
Our vocab Sentences
You will be quizzed on the first 10 Tuesday.

1. Quotes due tomorrow
25 quotes with page references. There is no need to write the entire quote. Elipses are fine

2. Explanations of 3 quotes due.
What I would like you to do is to choose three of your favorite quotes from Walden and explain what the quote is saying to you.
2@ 1/2 page each
1 @ 1 full page typed, double-spaced. For the 1 page explanation it might help to choose an example that illustrates the idea in the quote. And no, you can't count what you wrote for your Walden poster assignment here.

If your written part of the Walden poster assignment was a bit weak, feel free to rewrite it. At this point, most of them would receive B's and C's. Remember, every time you write something for this class, be sure to organize your thoughts and pick and choose words to create powerful sentences. Revise. We need to step it up.

Watch Dead Poets Society. Continue taking notes of examples of Transcendentalist thought in the film. 3/4 page due by end of the movie. Even if you've already written 3/4 page, please jot down a few more things that seem particularly important.


Take out a sheet of paper.
Number 1-5, double-spacing

Today, as we read "Self-Reliance," I would like you to write down a list of 5 quotes that resonate with you. Then you are to write 1 paragraph telling me what the quote is saying to you.

Be an Individualist and an Innovator, says Rodney Mullen: Pop an Ollie and Innovate

Do Schools Kill Creativity?
Changing Education Paradigms

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

November 20--Dead Poets Society

Walden poster
Dead Poets Society--Transcendentalist ideas in Robin Williams most well-know film

Walden Poster--50 points. 25 for the photo, 25 for the writing

Due Monday after Thanksgiving break. Tuesday we will judge all of the posters and the top three will receive extra credit. Do a good job!
Here's what I need you to do for the poster:
1. Find a meaningful quote, preferably one that isn't quite so common. Top scores usually (but not always) go to those.
2. Take a photo that illustrates the meaning of the quote. Spend quite a bit of time coming up with the concept for your photo before taking the picture. Although this isn't a photography class, do your best to take an artistic  photo. If you need help, go to the Internet for ideas. You may get help from someone, if you would like. Remember, you can learn how to do anything if you just Google it or YouTube it!
3. Type 1/2 - 1 page, single-spaced, explaining how your poster illustrates the idea in the quote. This page will be displayed with your poster. Please put two of the most important sentences in bold so that we can quickly get the gist of what you are saying.

As you watch Dead Poets Society, I would like you take 3/4 page of notes identifying ideas of Transcendentalism found in the film.

"We don't read and write poetry because it is cute; we read and write poetry because we are members of the human race and the human race is filled with passion"  Pain, love, beauty hope--emotion--are the things of life

We create our own opportunities for making life extraordinary.
Carpe diem--seize the day--live life to the fullest. Set high, private goals and make them happen
Savor words and language. There's a deeper meaning.
There is a Higher Way found by seekers
The powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse to the great poem of life.
"Only in their dreams may men be truly free; 'twas always thus, and always thus will be"--Keating

"Rip it out.. . we're not laying pipe . . . think for yourselves (come up with your own interpretation of the poem]"
"We don't read and write poetry because it is cute; we read and write poetry because we are members of the human race and the human race is filled with passion"
"Carpe diem"
The class itself illustrates individualistic approaches to finding meaning
"Only in their dreams may men be truly free; twas always thus, and always thus will be"--Keating

SAT Vocabulary --50 Terms with example sentences
Learn "spawn" to "tantalize" for Friday

When you get your PSAT scores back, don't throw them away!
You will receive your scores December 10th and need to bring them to me on the 11th


Thoreau's radical theory of education
Page 33
 ". . . you do not mean that the students should go to work with hands instead of their heads . . Roger's penknife from his father?"

Changing Education Paradigms--Sir Kenneth Robinson
Do Schoools Kill Creativity
Bring on the Learning Revolution
Life is Your Talents Discovered
How to Escape Educations Death Valley

Walden. You are not required to read the entire book.
10 other pages of your own choosing. For these pages, I would like a 1/2 page summary of key ideas that you will share with the class. Be sure to include at least 2 quotes.

Challenge words for honors students who are willing to go beyond the mark and study things that don't actually earn you points but which make you effective communicators and strong readers. No, you won't be tested on these. Are you willing to study them?
     SAT Vocabulary--10 Terms 

1. Focus on the individual--you are unique in this universe and "you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?"
2. Nature is the Great  Teacher.
3. There is a Higher Way--a spiritual aspect to life that you can get in touch with (Walden)
4.Heart over mind; intuition over calculating power of logic
5.Live in the moment
6. There is beauty in disorder. Life is a mystery that you may understand to an extent on an individualistic level

Monday, November 17, 2014


Walden Quotes
Today you are to select one quote from Walden and to tell me what that quote is saying to you. Start off with a sentence paraphrasing the quote and then discuss what the quote means to you personally.

You will repeat this assignment Wednesday and write a third analysis for next Monday.
1/2 page. One of the three needs to be a full page.

SAT Vocabulary --50 Terms with example sentences
Learn "spawn" to "tantalize" for Friday

Challenge words for honors students who are willing to go beyond the mark and study things that don't actually earn you points but which make you effective communicators and strong readers. No, you won't be tested on these. Are you willing to study them?
     SAT Vocabulary--10 Terms 

Friday, November 14, 2014

November 14

Americans' lack of compassion for Ebola Victims

Ebola Service Project ideas. You all have editing privileges to add ideas and resources to this Google Doc.
Ebola Service Project
HOMEWORK: Read pages 7-14 of Walden.  I'd recommend reading ahead, too. During the next 9 days you  are to read:
and 10 other pages of your own choosing

Monday, November 10, 2014

November 10, 2014

Susan Olvera Flores

"Now cracks a noble heart. Good night sweet prince[ss]:

And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!"

Every child begins the world again, to some extent, and loves to stay outdoors, even in wet and cold. It plays house, as well as horse, having an instinct for it...

Angel, by Sarah McLachlan
Adagio for Strings by Samuel Barber

Thoughts Concerning Susan

The Bonds Between Us

The bonds between us are best shown when we are grieving. With heavy hearts do we remember the moments we have shared with those dearly departed.
What binds us together may just be a string of coincidences, or conversations in passing,
or it may be deeper--a friendship or memories that've been forged together.
To lose someone, no matter the bond, will begin the grief.
To lose a person,
To lose a daughter,
To lose a student, a classmate, a team mate.
To lose a friend.
But in facing the cruel hand of death, the hand that has whisked away one we loved, we cherished,
We have nothing more to do than stand together, and strenthen the bonds.
The bonds that hold us together through the dark and the light,
The bonds that hold us together when we are grieving.

The loss of soeone so great, such as Susan Olver, is incomprehensible. Though I did not know her personally, I know of her benevolent personality and how it graced all those around her. As we mourn our loss of Susan, let us cherish the memories and moments she has shared with us.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

November 6

Americans' lack of compassion for Ebola Victims

Ebola Service Project ideas. You all have editing privileges to add ideas and resources to this Google Doc.
Ebola Service Project
HOMEWORK: Read pages 7-14 of Walden.  I'd recommend reading ahead, too. During the next 9 days you  are to read:
and 10 other pages of your own choosing

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

November 5

Edgar Allan Poe
The Masque of the Red Death--easier to understand (hyperlinks)
The Masque of the Red Death--easier to read
The Wikipedia info on The Masque of the Red Death is actually pretty good
HOMEWORK: Finish the story at home
5 point quiz at the first of the period

As you know, Miller was writing about the communist witch hunt perpetrated by Joseph McCarthy and others in the early 1950's. Miller himself was accused, as were many of his fellow actors who were blacklisted in Hollywood. In the film The Majestic, Jim Carey portrays a blacklisted actor who stands up for truth in precisely the way that Miller wanted his contemporaries to do.
The Majestic

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

November 4

SAT vocabulary list 1 (from another teacher's deck on Quizlet)
Some of you might want to review The Crucible considering that you have a test over the play tomorrow. The test isn't as difficult as some (think Scarlet Letter!), but still . . .
Sparknotes: The Crucible
As you know, Arthur Miller's The Crucible isn't historically accurate. Modern science still has a difficult time explaining exactly what happened to the "bewitched girls," but here are a few theories: What Really Happened in Salem, 1692?

As you know, Miller was writing about the communist witch hunt perpetrated by Joseph McCarthy and others in the early 1950's. Miller himself was accused, as were many of his fellow actors who were blacklisted in Hollywood. In the film The Majestic, Jim Carey portrays a blacklisted actor who stands up for truth in precisely the way that Miller wanted his contemporaries to do.
The Majestic
Here's a 4 minute version, but it's missing the very important final 30 seconds! Oh, and it's in French, so . . . Majestic

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday, October 30

Read Fall of the House of Usher for tomorrow. Short quiz! And it's a fairly tough read, but marvelously exciting--one of Poe's best.
   And here's the story as it was originally published--cool pictures and old font. Neat
       And here's an introduction to the story

Answer the following on a sheet of paper which you will bring to class tomorrow.
1. How does Roderick Usher die? (What actually kills him?) Write 1 short paragraph
2. In what ways is this story Gothic? Write 1 long paragraph. Total of approximately 1 page
Definition of Gothic (scroll down to III.) Gothic

Literary Criticism--Fall of the House of Usher's lack of universal appeal
    House of Mirrors

Poe's the Fall of the House of Usher

BR Voloshin - The Explicator, 1988 - Taylor & Francis
13 testing parts of a single consciousness or a single being. So, for example, Madeline and
Roderick have been described as representing the unconscious and consciousness, the
sensuous and the intellectual, the instinctive and the rational.'What I'd like to suggest here

Tomorrow we will also read your vocabulary stories! Finish them at home. They do not need to be all that long. I wouldn't take too much time on these. 5/5 points for everyone who gives it an honest attempt and uses at least 8 of the 10 words correctly. +1 extra credit for best story.

Tuesday you will have a test over The Crucible. We will discuss Monday. You don't need to read it since we watched the entire movie in class, but you might consider reviewing it.
Sparknotes: The Crucible

Here's a spooky story: The Expressionless

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Scarlet Letter Test
Watch Crucible movie. This is an excellent film. One of the best, in my opinion.
Even though you will not be tested on vocabulary for The Crucible, here is a link to some vocabulary for the play: Crucible  49 Terms

Vocabulary for Friday: Walden  Learn first 20 words
You don't have much reading to do this week, so we're learning 20 vocab words rather than 10. Doing so will make it easier to read Walden, which is written on approximately a 12th grade level.
Many of you will want to purchase your own copy of Walden. I will be ordering books tomorrow. If you're interested, bring $4. One of the main reasons that you should consider buying your own book is that you have to write down what you consider to be the 25 most significant quotes from the book. This is much easier to do if you underline as you read.

If you still haven't finished last week's homework, follow the directions below for adding your ideas to the Transcendentalism Google Doc

HOMEWORK--due tonight at 11:59 PM

Each one of you is to do research on Transcendentalism and contribute two sentences (three max!) to the document found at the Googole Doc found below. You will need to do some research on the Internet to see what you can find. The neat thing about this assignment is that you will find things that no one in this school knows about because you will become the experts on this matter. Synergy is what we’re talkin’ about here, baby. Collaboration gives us more information that any one person can accumulate.

Go to this Google Doc: Transcendentalism--1st Period
Go to this Google Doc:  Transcendentalism--2nd Period

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Monday, October 14

Bienvenue! La classe commence encore pour les 6 semaines numéro deux



Read Whitman's When I Heard the Learned Astronomer

WHEN I heard the learn’d astronomer;
When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me;
When I was shown the charts and the diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them;
When I, sitting, heard the astronomer, where he lectured with much applause in the lecture-room,

How soon, unaccountable, I became tired and sick;
Till rising and gliding out, I wander’d off by myself,
In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time,
Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars.

Male Principle
   Logic, analysis as a way of knowing

  Female Principle

   Male principle
      Analysis, logic
  Female principal

Now, give me an exegesis of the poem based on the ideas above


Each one of you is to do research on Transcendentalism and contribute two sentences (three max!) to the document found at the Googole Doc found below. You will need to do some research on the Internet to see what you can find. The neat thing about this assignment is that you will find things that no one in this school knows about because you will become the experts on this matter. Synergy is what we’re talkin’ about here, baby. Collaboration gives us more information that any one person can accumulate.

Go to this Google Doc: Transcendentalism--1st Period
Go to this Google Doc:  Transcendentalism--2nd Period

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

October 8

What is literature?

Class recommended reading list for middle school high school students
Honors English Recommended Reading List: Here's a link to our class anthology: Good Books!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday, October 6, 2014

HOMEWORK: We have one more week to finish reading The Scarlet Letter. I will let you read at your own pace, but have the book finished by Monday, Oct 13.

Vocabulary for Friday: words 25-34 on the following list Scarlet Letter Vocab "cabalistic . . .

Oral Commentary passages 

"Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow" (Isaiah 1:18, Old Testament)

Thursday, October 2, 2014


HOMEWORK: We have one more week to finish reading The Scarlet Letter. I will let you read at your own pace, but have the book finished by Monday, Oct 13.

Vocabulary for Friday: words 15-24 on the following list Scarlet Letter Vocab "contumely" to "initrinsic"

Oral Commentary passages will be assigned. Tomorrow we will spend 15 minutes preparing for commentary passages and will have four groups present.

Friday, September 26, 2014


Bring annotated summer reading novels Wednesday,  and I'll give you points for the annotations as well as the quotes that you wrote down in groups.

Vocabulary for Friday:Quizlet for Scarlet Letter, more advance words: Quizlet The entire list is found here:  Scarlet Letter Vocab

TODAY: Discuss Patriarchy--Governor almost takes away Pearl to "properly" instruct her; Romanticism, evil.

HOMEWORK: Read chapters 15 and 16 of The Scarlet Letter
Vocabulary for Friday: words 15-24 on the following list Scarlet Letter Vocab "contumely" to "initrinsic"

If you were gone Monday: Read pages 2-12 (skip dates) in The American Experience.
Assignment: Write 7 quiz questions of you own testing the ideas and details in those pages.
Quiz over those pages tomorrow. Feel free to take photos with  your camera or have a friend do so and email it to you if you don't have a Smart Phone.

Here's an extra article on Puritanism, if you're interested (not required)
Puritan influence in America

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thor's Day, 25th day of Seventh Month (what the? I thought it was the 9th?)


Memorization due Monday
Vocab quiz tomorrow (Thank Isaac)
If you have it ready today, you get an extra credit point for reciting it to the class.

October, Sonnet 73
 Study Autumn Poems 

what is the single most important word in the poem? Always ask yourself this question.


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Wednesday (Odin's Day)

1. Vocab quiz
2. Review voacab for Friday's quiz
3. Study Autumn Poems and begin memorizing one for Friday (yes, two days from now)

Bring a hard copy of your summer reading essay. Be sure to proofread! And do your best to write a thought-provoking title for the essay. See the links on the blog, under resources, for assistance.

Bring the novel you read over the summer (annotated)
You will be receiving 15 points today for having your annotated novels (10 pts. max) and writing down significant quotes from the novel.
Divide into groups of four and share a favorite quote, explaining the significance of the quote as it relates to the larger themes of the novel. 
Each person in the group needs to write down the quote (or at least 10 words of it). If your group has fewer than four people, you still need to come up with four quotes.

Discuss Romanticism in The Scarlet Letter
Beethoven as a product of the Romantic period.
Heilegenstaadt Testament

Homework: Read chapters 9 and 10

How to Annotate a Book

Monday, September 22, 2014

1. Vocab quiz
2. Review voacab for Friday's quiz
3. Study Autumn Poems and begin memorizing one for Friday (yes, four days from now)

Bring a hard copy of your summer reading essay
Bring the novel you read over the summer (annotated)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Read A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner
Follow directions for in-class writing assignment
For your reference, I  have included a link to a good list of themes
     Themes in Literature
     More Themes

      Class code for 1st period: 8665177
       Password: southsaxons
      Class code for 2nd period: 8665208
       Password: southsaxons
Scarlet Letter vocabulary, Quizlet deck 2  Memorize first 13 for Friday's quiz

Autumn Poems--select poem to memorize for Friday the 26th         }: }  Hehe
Discuss Scarlet Letter (we didn't get to this today, but be ready to discuss the first five chapters Wednesday)

Homework: Read The Scarlet Letter, chapter 6 (to page 195 in the Kaplan edition. And don't complain too much considering that "page 195" is really page 53 for you guys and we've been on this for awhile

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday, September 16

Read A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner
Follow directions for in-class writing assignment
For your reference, I  have included a link to a good list of themes
     Themes in Literature
     More ThemesDUE FRIDAY..
      Class code for 1st period: 8665177
       Password: southsaxons
      Class code for 2nd period: 8665208
       Password: southsaxons
Scarlet Letter vocabulary, Quizlet deck 2  Memorize first 13 for Friday's quiz

Autumn Poems--select poem to memorize for Friday the 26th         }: }  Hehe
Discuss Scarlet Letter (we didn't get to this today, but be ready to discuss the first five chapters Wednesday)

Read A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner
Follow directions for in-class writing assignment
For your reference, I  have included a link to a good list of themes
     Themes in Literature
     More Themes
Homework: Read The Scarlet Letter, chapter 4

Friday, September 12, 2014

Monday, September 15

    Class code for 1st period: 8665177
    Password: southsaxons
   Class code for 2nd period: 8665208
    Password: southsaxons
Scarlet Letter vocabulary, Quizlet deck 2  Memorize first 13 for Friday's quiz
Discuss PSAT problems
Autumn Poems--select poem to memorize for Friday the 26th  }: }  Hehe
Discuss Scarlet Letter (we didn't get to this today, but be ready to discuss the first five chapters Wednesday)

Read A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner
Follow directions for in-class writing assignment
For your reference, I  have included a link to a good list of themes
     Themes in Literature
     More Themes
Homework: Read The Scarlet Letter, chapter 4
1.Vocabulary quiz, words 1-25
2.Pass back PSAT scores
50% of questions right is AVERAGE for college-bound students. In other words, just because all sorts of people in this class scored around 12/24 doesn't mean that you shouldn't be in Honors English. It does mean, however, that The Scarlet Letter will be very difficult for you to read. Walden (our second book, will be very tough, too. The only book second semester that is a challenging read is The Great Gatsby, and it will be difficult (I'm guessing) for students who scored less than 13/24. By the way, this is all meaningless if you didn't pace yourself right on the test. Another rule of thumb is OAKS tests. If you "Exceed" on those tests, the difficult books that we're reading won't be too terribly challenging for you.
3. Summer reading. (Yeah, yeah, that was a sentence fragment.)
Your summer reading must be submitted to by next Friday. I'll set up the account soon.
HOMEWORK: Read chapters 1,2, 3 of  The Scarlet Letter.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Young Goodman Brown Analysis

Find something in the Sparknotes analysis of the story that you disagree with: Themes and motifs in Young Goodman Brown
Feel free to read the eNotes analysis of themes in the story and make your comments on what is written there instead of on the Sparknotes analysis.
OR focus on this paper, which is full of assertions that you might be able to respond to: Symbolism YGB

Then go to the following Google Doc and write 50-100 words (max) telling me why you disagree. Support your ideas with specific evidence from the story.
NOTE: There is a doc for 1st period and another one for 2nd period
Taking Issue with Sparknotes Young Goodman Brown FIRST  PERIOD
Taking Issue with Sparknotes Young Goodman Brown SECOND  PERIOD

For your reference: Quizlet deck of Themes in Literature
(not all that great. See if you can find a better one. If so, feel free to add it to the top of the Google Doc you're working on :)

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Friday, September 5

Quizlet review and quiz
Write first three lines of Song of the Open Road
Hand in essays (ok, three paragraphs) explaining what Bruce, the Boss, Springsteen has to say about the American dream in his song "Born to Run."
Exchange papers.
In groups of four, read to group and then write down comments made by members of the group. Three things that were done well, three things that could have been improved.
Summer reading due Friday, September 19th

Homework this weekend:
Read Nathaniel Hawthorne's short story Young Goodman Brown
Print it and bring to class Monday
As you read, underline what you think are the five most important sentences, and at the top of the printed story, write one of the themes. This theme only needs to be one sentence.
See you Monday!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Welcome to Honors American Literature/IB Prep!

Welcome to Honors American Lit

What can I say, I love teaching Honors American Lit where the discussions are lively, the insights keen, and the writing enjoyable to read (please keep it that way   :^]

Rather than create a website, I've set up this blog for our class and you will be required to view it from time to time.  I prefer blogs to websites because they can be updated so easily and they also give you the opportunity to comment on the things that are said here and to give me input concerning neat and useful links to add to the "Resources" tab and the "Cool Stuff "tab."

My goal is to make this class as stimulating as it is challenging. The works that I've chosen for us to study, as well as the assignments, should give you opportunities to think through challenging issues and to solidify your new ideas as you write your papers and produce creative projects.
Class today:
1. The American Dream
  • National Public Radio (NPR) video on the singer Bruce Springsteen and the American   Dream. Springsteen's American Dream--Beautiful and Bleak  
  • Born to Run with lyrics (Bruce Springsteen)  Discuss meaning of the song. And a link to the lyrics: Born to Run
  • Compare and contrast the poems Song of the Open Road by Walt Whitman, and 
  • I am Waiting, by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Both deal with the American dream. Which is more similar to Springsteen's Born to Run? Why do you think these poets and singers see the American dream differently?
  • As a group, decide what the song Born to Run is saying.  Take notes.
  • Homework: Write three paragraphs telling me what you think Springsteen is saying. Remember, good writing makes a specific point, supports that point with specific examples, and discusses those examples.
  • Another Whitman poem: I Hear America Singing

My hope is that you'll find the class both challenging and fun.
Homework (to be done tonight)
1. The first thing I'd like you to do is to have your parent or guardian read the syllabus.
2. [TOMORROW'S HOMEWORK] Write three paragraphs telling me what you think Springsteen is saying. Remember, good writing makes a specific point, supports that point with specific examples, and discusses those examples.
3. Start memorizing the first 10 words from the Scarlet Letter vocabulary list, which are found on this Quizlet list of 25 Scarlet Letter words. You will be tested on these first 10 words Thursday or Friday and all 25 next Thur/Friday. We learn 10 words per week and have a vocabulary quiz every Friday (some of the blog entries you will read have been recycled from the things last year. Anytime you read "due Friday" that means due the last day of the week for your class). It is not my responsibility to remind you that you will be quizzed. NOTE: Many "B" students drop from the "A" because they don't ace all of the vocab quizzes.
4. Begin memorizing the names of all students in class. Quiz next Friday. Yes, it's true, I make you memorize everyone's name because we have lots of class discussions and I want you to be able to refer to one another by name. "Yes, I agree with what Jimmy is saying," "You know, Henrietta, I have to respectfully disagree with you on this point."
5. Do mental calisthenics to make the transition from "kicked back summer mode" to "hardworking, conscientious student and seeker of truth."
6. Memorize the first three lines of Walt Whitman's poem "The Open Road" for this Friday (see link above)

Monday, June 16, 2014

Immigration Essay

Immigration Reform Argumentative Essay

Essay due: Friday, June 6

Brief summary of The Immigration Bill--the crux of the issue: PATH TO CITIZENSHIP
—The estimated 11 million people living in the U.S. illegally could obtain "registered provisional immigrant status" six months after enactment of the bill as long as:
(1) The Homeland Security Department has developed border security and fencing plans, per the specifications set out in the bill.
(2) They arrived in the U.S. prior to Dec. 31, 2011, and maintained continuous physical presence since then.
(3) They do not have a felony conviction or three or more misdemeanors.
(4) They pay a $500 fine.
—People in provisional legal status could work and travel in the U.S. but would not be eligible for most federal benefits, including health care and welfare.
—The provisional legal status lasts six years and is renewable for another six years for $500.
—People deported for noncriminal reasons can apply to re-enter in provisional status if they have a spouse or child who is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, or if they had been brought to the U.S. as a child.
—After 10 years in provisional status, immigrants can seek a green card and lawful permanent resident status if they are current on their taxes and pay a $1,000 fine, have maintained continuous physical presence in the U.S., meet work requirements and learn English. Also the border triggers must have been met, and all people waiting to immigrate through the legal system as of the date of enactment of the legislation must have been dealt with.
—People brought to the country as youths would be able to get green cards in five years, and citizenship immediately thereafter.

Read more:

Immigration Reform S 744--Summary 1
Summary of Immigration Bill 2013

Monday, June 9, 2014



YouTube high school production of DEATH found on YouTube
Online text for Death of a Salesman

Thursday, June 5, 2014

The American Dream


Read the poem I am Waiting by Lawrence Ferlinghetti and be prepared for a 3 point reading quiz Mon.

Online text for Death of a Salesman 

Pretty decent Death of a Salesman Unit by another teacher 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Wednesday, June 4

You may return your books at your leisure. Turn in Bean Trees and the red anthology, The Amercan Experience. Death of a Salesman should technically be turned in Friday, too, but I wouldn't be surprised if you could get away with returning it a bit later :^}

Immigration Reform Argumentative Essay

Essay due: Friday, June 6

Brief summary of The Immigration Bill--the crux of the issue: PATH TO CITIZENSHIP
—The estimated 11 million people living in the U.S. illegally could obtain "registered provisional immigrant status" six months after enactment of the bill as long as:
(1) The Homeland Security Department has developed border security and fencing plans, per the specifications set out in the bill.
(2) They arrived in the U.S. prior to Dec. 31, 2011, and maintained continuous physical presence since then.
(3) They do not have a felony conviction or three or more misdemeanors.
(4) They pay a $500 fine.
—People in provisional legal status could work and travel in the U.S. but would not be eligible for most federal benefits, including health care and welfare.
—The provisional legal status lasts six years and is renewable for another six years for $500.
—People deported for noncriminal reasons can apply to re-enter in provisional status if they have a spouse or child who is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, or if they had been brought to the U.S. as a child.
—After 10 years in provisional status, immigrants can seek a green card and lawful permanent resident status if they are current on their taxes and pay a $1,000 fine, have maintained continuous physical presence in the U.S., meet work requirements and learn English. Also the border triggers must have been met, and all people waiting to immigrate through the legal system as of the date of enactment of the legislation must have been dealt with.
—People brought to the country as youths would be able to get green cards in five years, and citizenship immediately thereafter.

Read more:

Immigration Reform S 744--Summary 1
Summary of Immigration Bill 2013

Human Trafficking in Portland