Tuesday, February 26, 2013

February 26

Read: Leiningen Versus the Ants in blue book, page 41

Tomorrow we will discuss the story as it relates to Nietzsche's philosophy and 20th Century thinking in general.
“The higher man is distinguished from the lower by his fearlessness and his readiness to challenge misfortune.” 
"For the game of creation, my brothers, a sacred "Yes" is needed: the spirit now wills his own will, and he who had been lost to the world now conquers the world"
"Be careful when you fight the monsters, lest you become one."
― Friedrich NietzscheThe Will to Power
 You don't have to read the following quotes, but they're here for the curious.
Neitzsche quotes
Twitter quotes

Homework: Read the following handout AND then come to class ready to choose one of the three novels we're reading this semester for your presentation.

The following is found at this Google Doc: American Lit Oral Presentation
Here it is:
Oral Presentation--The Great Gatsby; The Catcher in the Rye;  The Bean Trees
(choose one)
50 points
This assignment is purposely left open to creativity.  You only have three requirements:
1. The presentation must help other students understand ideas in the novel (hard to do)
2. The presentation is to last 8-11 minutes (16-22 if you work with a partner)
3. The  must examine at least four passages from the work

Here are a few ideas with examples of presentations that other students have done in the past, all of which could receive "A" grades (only about 1/3 of the class receives "A's")

  • Background information--the people.  The culture of one or more characters in the novel is discussed and the values of that culture are shown to relate to ideas in the novel. The background information contains ideas that help the class understand the novel in a new light.  A Powerpoint or Prezi presentation could work well here.   Example1:  The novel Woman Warrior deals with a Chinese American girl who cannot understand her Chinese mother from a distinctly different culture.  Part of the story refers to foot binding.  The presentation explains what foot binding was (pictures included) and then the concept of inhibiting a woman's growth was explored as it applies to the novel as a whole.  This was a Feminist reading of the novel. Example 2:  Students brought food and created props as well as played music of the culture in question and showed that knowledge of the culture helps one understand ideas in the novel.  Specific passages were examined.  Insightful and fun
  • Create a work of art and show that it follows (or is based on) ideas in the novel. Hamlet example: the student created two paintings, one  showing the evil king Claudius as a pre-Renaissance man, obsessed with power.  It was painted in a pre-Renaissance style complete with symbolism--red as a color of power, for example.  Hamlet was painted as a Renaissance Man, an individualist and a thinker, his own man.  He was portrayed pointing a dagger straight at the viewer and confidence shown in his bright blue eyes.  The concepts of the Renaissance Man were explored in passages. Example 2: Creative writing.  Pretend that you're a character in the novel and write a letter (or similar writing up to 1000 words) to another character.  Explain your choices as you examine four examples from the novel and show that the tone (etc.) of your writing is true to the text.  One student did this by creating an illustrated journal of Clara in the novel House of the Spirits.  A 500-750 word explanation of her artistic choices followed.

Other examples: Choreographed interpretive dance and music pieces have been done  

  • Explore ideas of the times such as the philosophical environment environment that influenced the author.  Example: The novel Demian was examined as a by-product of Nietzschian thought.  Parallels were drawn between Nietzsche quotes and passages in the novel.  Powerpoint presentation
  • Read an article an expert has written on the novel and share what you found, showing how this information helps the reader understand passages in the work.  Head to the library for this one as the Internet is a dangerous place when it comes to finding quality writing about others’ writing.  If you’re having a tough time with this, consider searching for the title plus “Marxist reading,” “Feminist reading,” “post-modern,” “archetypal”
  • Show understanding of a character in the novel by interviewing that character on stage in front of the class (or as an Xtranormal presentation).  At the end of the interview you must explain how the ideas expressed by the character illustrate ideas or themes in the work.  For example, if the character explains why he or she would vote for President Obama, find examples from the work that show liberal leanings, etc.  Tom Joad wouldn’t vote for a Republican, for example
  • Show understanding of the novel by filming a scene from the book.  Create a second version of the movie with director’s voice-over explaining artistic choices concerning lighting, camera angle, blocking, actor’s delivery, etc.
  • Other.  I’m sure that you can come up with an idea of your own that meets the criteria of the assignment.  After all, every single one of the examples I have given you were done this way.

Monday, February 25, 2013

February 25

Here's our vocabulary list for this week.  Learn the first 20 words (gasp!)
Vocabulary from 500 Key Vocabulary Words

Read "The Laugher" in the blue anthology on page 109

Thursday, February 21, 2013

February 21

Spelling Bee today in my room at 2:40

Notes on Biblical allusions in Grapes of Wrath and Of  Mice and Men

Moses and quest for the Promised Land
Christ, 12 Apostles, and the quest for Promised Land (heaven)
Tom Joad--Apostle or Adam
Eden, Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, apples
Mary, mother of Jesus
Michelangelo's Pièta
The Preacher (Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament)

Contrasting symbollism:
Gaia principle/Mother Earth
Female principle    Yin Yang

Read the following Wikipedia article on Steinbeck.  It's actually pretty informative.

Friday, February 15, 2013


Journal: Select one quote from the movie The Grapes of Wrath and explain to me the point Steinbeck is making.  What does the quote reveal about the character who says it?  In what ways does it tie in with one of the themes of the book?
1/2 page+

February 15

Vocabulary for Friday: The Grapes of WRATH

Today we will do a close reading of a passage from Of Mice and Men. It is the passage wherein Curley's wife menacingly asks Crooks, "You know what I could do to you?"
Color mark the passage and we will discuss it as a class.

Remember, your essay (see last post) is due Tuesday at the beginning of class.  Before you hand it in, check for five things:
1. Make sure that it is grammatically perfect.  Have someone proofread it.  Watch commas.
2. The first sentence needs to be engaging.  Be sure that we feel compelled to keep reading.
3. You need to have an interesting, insightful, and specific thesis concerning the point that the artist is making about the subject. If you can't come up with something interesting to say, choose another photo. }:-{ 
4. Be sure to find very specific examples to discuss. At least two of these examples need to deal with the artist's use of the elements of visual art.
5. Be sure that you discuss these examples, showing how they support your thesis.
Note: about half of the papers I receive are lacking in every single one of these points.  And typically only 2-5 papers excel at points  3 and 5.

You might want to do Tuesday night's homework this weekend.  It is to read the ending of The Grapes of Wrath. That's chapter 28 to the end.  According to my best calculations, chapter 28 starts 1/7th of the way up from the bottom of the online text found at the following link: The Grapes of Wrath

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

February 11, 2013

Dorothea Lange photographs

Here's a link to her photos of migrant works, all taken the same year that John Steinbeck toured the West doing groundwork for his novel The Grapes of Wrath.

Migrant Workers

Essay due Tuesday (20 points)
Analysis of photo or painting
What idea is the artist trying to convey, and how is the message conveyed through artistic devises? 
Be sure to analyze at least two of the following elements of visual art:
  • line
  • shape
  • form (think of chiaroscurro lighting, which gives the face a human look)
  • space (including cropping)
  • color
  • value (light and dark)
  • texture 
Remember that artists chose to emphasis certain elements within their work, often for symbollic purposes

As homework tonight, read the following expanation of the elements of art:
Getty Museum--Elements of Art

Simplified example:
Remember the shot in the film The Grapes of Wrath taken at the point when Muley Graves' home is destroyed by the caterpillar tractor?  We see the shadows (value) of the devastated people, the texture of the scarred earth, the harsh tracks of the tractor in a diagonal line, etc.  The artist emphasizes the injustice of it all through use of strong diagonal lines, powerful triangles, texture, extreme light and shadow, and lack of color.

Here's a site that shows Van Gogh paintings and the actual locations where they were painted.  You'll see that he decided to exaggerate certain elements of art to make his point.
Van Gogh Painting Locations

Monday, February 11, 2013

February 11

Today we will read Robert Burns' poem "To a Mouse"

Make sure you understand why, based on the poem, Steinbeck might have given the novella the title Of Mice and Men.  
You should also understand how the following lines fit with Steinbeck's philosophy:

  • "The things of mice and men/go often awry."
  • "you are blest, compared with me!"
  • "An odd ear in twenty-four sheaves Is a small request;/I will get a blessing with what is left,"
  • "I'm truly sorry man's dominion/Has broken Nature's social union"
We will also watch The Grapes of Wrath up the point where the family goes to pick peaches.

Friday, February 8, 2013

February 8th

We will watch the film Grapes of Wrath.
We're looking for two things: 1, ideas (continue 15 quotes), and 2, the cinematography.

Your homework assignment is to find a photo or painting and explain to me the ways that the artist has used the elements of visual art to express an idea in the work.  This assignment isn't actually due until next  Friday, but some students will want to get a start on it.  The assignment is challenging because you not only have to find a picture that actually says something (not just a "happy snap"), but you've got to be able to explain how the artist makes the statement.  2 pages, typed, MLA.  Proofread this one!  Check "Resources" tab for example essay illustrating MLA format.  For quick reference, here's an example essay, complete with cover page, which you need to have   MLA Essay

Oh, and remember to finish Of Mice and Men.  You might have a reading quiz on Monday.  (Heh, heh)
We will start discussing the book on Monday and will compare and contrast it with The Grapes of WRATH

Here's a YouTube video illustrating good analysis of art
Analyzing Art