Monday, February 29, 2016


Take vocab quiz
Take Old Man and the Sea quiz
Gatsby vocabulary. Words 17-32 for quiz Monday
Gatsby Quizlet deck
As a class we will find sentences for all words

Read The Great Gaspy to the end of chapter 2 (page 42)
Audiobook versions of Gatsby can be found at the following YouTube link:
Gatsby read by someone with a decent voice and     You can sign up for a free Audible account for 30 days. Just cancel after 30 days.
Next time: Commentary, The Old Man and the Sea

Themes in The Old Man and the Sea
Wed/Thur you will write a 2 page commentary in class.on a passage of approximately 30 lines (20-50). You will have 60 minutes to write and then we will watch the movie. See pages 32, 52, 60, 99, 105 for possible passages. Feel free to choose another passage that we have not already discussed. You may prepare for the commentary, but you can't use notes for the written commentary.
How to do commentary: Commentary Handout

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Gatsby vocabulary. Words 1-16 for quiz Monday
Gatsby Quizlet deck (up to "impetuous")
Write sentences for all 16 words. Sentences must have sufficient contextual clues to reveal the meaning of the word. Submit today--10 points
Observations of Hemingway's style:
Write 3 more
Check out The Great Gatsby. Write observations concerning his style
1 for the first sentence
2 more for pages 5 and 6 (unless you have another edition. Page "1")
4 more for pages7-12
HOMEWORK: Read The Old Man and the Sea by Monday
Be prepared for 10 point vocab quiz and 5 point reading check/quiz over Old Man.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Gatsby vocabulary. Words 1-16 for quiz Thur/Fri Gatsby Quizlet deck (up to "impetuous")
Write sentences for all 16 words. Sentences must have sufficient contextual clues to reveal the meaning of the word. 1-5 today; 6-16 Tue/Wed
Observations of Hemingway's style:

  • The Old Man refers to self in 3rd person (77) and "The Old Man," not Santiago
  • Describes the marlin in specific detail and as noble, regal "Wide" (50)
  • "La mar" vs. "el mar"  The Old Man sees the world as . . . (29)
HOMEWORK: Read The Old Man and the Sea by next Monday (finish 67 by next time if not already there)

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Grapes of Wrath Vocabulary Quizlet Deck
bemuse, truculent, perplexity, dispossessed, conjecture, cantakerous, asail, restive, prodigal, exort, languid, disconsolate, ostracize, vehement
I'll give you 5 minutes to review before the quiz.
Homework: Read The Hemingway Code Hero (3 pages)
Notes of Code Hero:

Homework: Read Old Man in the Sea to page 67 (or more, if possible)
As you read, find a minimum of 7 examples of Hemingway's style. Cite the examples (page numbers)
We will work through the first 4 pages of the novel together, noting Hemingway's style.
I'll give you 25 minutes to read in class.
Homework: As you read, write down 3 examples from The Old Man and the Sea that show that Santiago (the old man) follows the pattern of Hemingway's Code Hero.

Take grammar pre-test.

Next week we will read the following article and write a short argumentative essay on it. 
Some of you might be interested in reading it this weekend; it's the kind of thing that's interesting to discuss with your family at the dinner table :)      :^o Is it Ethical to Euthanize Your Dog?
Write 1 1/2 pages as a group developing your argument.

If you were gone last week, here's the link to the Grapes of Wrath reading that you need to do:

 Between now and next Tue/Wed you will read pages 281-313 on Monday and Tue/Wed and have a quiz over that reading as well as a couple of questions from the movie. The entire novel is available at the following link:
The Grapes of Wrath

Friday, February 12, 2016


Grapes of Wrath Quiz
Discuss the ending of the book
Finish "In Another Country"--take notes on style; discuss "the machines that were to make so much difference."
Start The Old Man and the Sea
Homework: Read the first ten pages of The Old Man and the Sea.
Homework:Vocabulary for Thur/Fri
Grapes of Wrath Vocabulary Quizlet Deck
bemuse, truculent, perplexity, dispossessed, conjecture, cantakerous, asail, restive, prodigal, exort, languid, disconsolate, ostracize, vehement
Homework: Read The Hemingway Code Hero (3 pages)

Friday, February 5, 2016


1. Give points for your 20 quotes (10 points). (Go to the following links to find the quotes. I want you to find at least three more Jim Casey quotes and tell me where you found them (Goodreads, etc.) Feel free to go to sites other than the ones listed here.
Read this link first on the significance of the quote/title "The Grapes of Wrath"
Three-fold cord
Quizlet quotes
Quotes superimposed on images--nice
Sparknotes Jim Casey and Tom Joad
Schmoop Jim Casey quotes
Cliffnotes on Jim Casey
There are countless quotes at this site: Goodreads, Grapes of Wrath
2. Between now and next Tue/Wed you will read pages 281-313 on Monday and Tue/Wed and have a quiz over that reading as well as a couple of questions from the movie. The entire novel is available at the following link:
The Grapes of Wrath
You may also have a copy of it at home and many copies are to be found in the library, as well as numerous other very worn out copies that we have in the English department.
In the past, students have done surprisingly poorly on this quiz {:^o
3. (next week) Grapes of Wrath vocabulary for quiz on Thur/Fri
Grapes of Wrath Vocabulary Quizlet Deck
bemuse, truculent, perplexity, conjecture, cantakerous, asail, restive, exort, languid, disconsolate, ostracize, vehement
4. Dorothea Lange photos
5. In groups of four, answer one of the following two-part questions. Use at least four of the quotes that you have written down to support your assertions. Each questions has two parts. Answer the first part and then the second part. One paper, all four names. 25 minutes to write as much as you can. This is an in-class assignment, not homework.
Steinbeck musings (not in the novel):
OPTION1: "I hold that a writer who does not believe in the perfectibility of man has no dedication nor membership in literature"--Steinbeck

  • --What is wrong with mankind (as man is portrayed in the novel) and what will it take to perfect this world, according to Steinbeck?

OPTION 2: "I wonder how many people I've looked at in my life and never seen"--Steinbeck--
  • Why don't we really see people? What does seeing a person properly entail?
Dorothea Lange photos


Thursday, February 4, 2016


1. Finish answering your question as a group.
2. Share with the class. Be sure that you use strong transition sentences and elaborate upon your ideas.

3. Next week you will read pages 281-313 on Monday and Tue/Wed and have a quiz over that reading as well as a couple of questions from the movie. The entire novel is available at the following link:
The Grapes of Wrath
You may also have a copy of it at home and many copies are to be found in the library, as well as numerous other very worn out copies that we have in the English department.
You may want to do this reading over the weekend if you think that you will be too busy to get the reading done next week. In the past, students have done surprisingly poorly on this quiz {:^o
4. (next week) Grapes of Wrath vocabulary for quiz on Tue/Wed
Grapes of Wrath Vocabulary Quizlet Deck

Steinbeck musings (not in the novel):
"I wonder how many people I've looked at in my life and never seen"--Steinbeck
"I hold that a writer who does not believe in the perfectibility of man has no dedication nor membership in literature"--Steinbeck
Dorothea Lange photos