Over winter break finish chapter 22 at least! Try to read ahead and maybe even finish the novel so that you don't have so much homework for the rest of the semester.This novel is your final exam.
Argumentative Writing
Watch first five minutes of both the Patrick Day rendition and the Elijah Wood version of Mark Twain's novel .
Which actor's performance is truer to the text? Write only one paragraph, citing one or two very specific examples from each actor's performance. Remember, a strong paragraph is focused. If you were writing an entire paper on this, you would discuss three or four aspects of the portrayal of the character. Here you should focus on one.
Take notes--
Patrick Day
Examples of Good Acting Weaknesses
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Elijah Wood
Examples of Good Acting Weaknesses
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Write one strong paragraph convincing me that one or the other actor's performance is superior.
Remember, a strong paragraph: