Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Scarlet Letter

Values of the Puritans
Values of the narrator/author
The first six chapters
Jonathon Edwards Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
Work on memorizing poem for next Thur/Fri. You will write it from memory.
How to memorize: 
  • visualize each image
  • recite with feeling, paying attention to the rhythm and meter
  • act it out with hand gestures
  • think through concepts and the development of ideas
  • practice, using different voices and intonation
  • read it very slowly. Bit by bit. 
  • write it over and over again --Oliver Goodness
  • if you're a really big nerd (like Sami) you use crazy voices
Watch The Scarlet Letter
The director of a film makes numerous artistic decisions. Your job is to ask if those decisions are true to the text. For example: Does the mood of the music fit; was it a good idea to change the color of a character's eyes; is the actor capturing the right emotion, or should the character be more . . .

Reading time

Reading calendar. 
Finish      By date
Ch. 9       Oct 1st/2nd
Ch. 12     5th/6th
Ch. 14     7th/8th
Ch. 17    12th
Ch. 18    13th/14th
Ch. 20    15th/16th     
Ch. 23    19th
Ch. 24-end 20th/21st   

Monday, September 28, 2015


The Scarlet Letter

Values of the Puritans

Values of the narrator/author
The first four chapters

Jonathon Edwards Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God


Thursday, September 24, 2015


1st Period    Class ID: 10785031    Password: saxons
7th Period    Class ID: 10785045    Password: saxons
The summer reading essay is worth 50 points. I'd recommend that you do the following:

  • Pick a thought-provoking title How to Write a Creative Title for an Essay
  • Develop your essay using strong transition sentences Transitions
  • Have someone proofread your essay (proofreading and editing help is fine; having mom write sentences and paragraphs is not)

1. Print the following four poems and bring to class next time   Autumn Poems
You need to memorize one of the four poems for Oct 8/9.
2. Sonnet 73      Iambic pentameter. Check link for info on different meters
2. Read chapters 3-5 in The Scarlet Letter (remember, 10 pages every day)

HOMEWORK (for Monday)
1. Read chapter 5 of The Scarlet Letter
2. Write 1/3 page of notes telling us what values the Puritans in the story have.
3. Write 1/3 page of notes telling us what values the narrator of the story has.
Note: No need to write in complete sentences. Find examples and cite page numbers. You will use this for a class discussion on Monday. (Automatic 5 points for doing this.)

Here's how to do MLA citations: "Here's  your nifty quote" (9). Ending quote mark, parentheses page number parentheses period. It's weird, but the period goes at the end even if the quote itself ended in a period   ?:^/  For essays citing more than one work, list the author's name and then page number and any time you switch referenced works, write author's name again. (Hawthorne 9)

Give points for annotation of summer reading novel.
45 min. Lottery essay
Quizlet list of 24 Scarlet Letter words. You will be tested on these first 10 words Thursday or Friday and all 24 next Thur/Friday

Below you will find one of my other favorites poems, this one about poetry itself and the source of poetic inspiration. 
"Poetry" by Pablo Neruda

Monday, September 21, 2015


1. Print the following four poems and bring to class next time   Autumn Poems
You need to memorize one of the four poems for Oct 8/9.
2. Read chapters 3 and 4 in The Scarlet Letter (remember, 10 pages every day)

Give points for annotation of summer reading novel.
45 min. Lottery essay
Quizlet list of 25 Scarlet Letter words. You will be tested on these first 10 words Thursday or Friday and all 25 next Thur/Friday
Below you will find one of my other favorites poems, this one about poetry itself and the source of poetic inspiration. 
"Poetry" by Pablo Neruda

Friday, September 18, 2015

1. Start memorizing the first 10 words from the Scarlet Letter vocabulary list, which are found on this Quizlet list of 25 Scarlet Letter words. You will be tested on these first 10 words Thursday or Friday and all 25 next Thur/Friday. We learn 10 words per week and have a vocabulary quiz every SCARLET LETTER:
It's time to check out The Scarlet Letter from the library. ACTUALLY, I recommend that you go to and spend $1.99 to but the Kindle version of The Scarlet Letter that is published by Kaplan. We will start reading this week and the sooner you get on it, the better. This is a TOUGH READ. Note: you may skip the 45 page introduction called "The Custom House." Yes, you're welcome :)
2. Tonight you are to read the first two chapters of The Scarlet Letter. We will read 10 pages of the novel (Kaplan edition) per night, including weekends--10 pages of text, that is, not five pages of text and five pages of vocabulary in the Kaplan edition.

Give points for annotation of summer reading novel.
15 more minutes to finish PSAT Writing Test.

Read The Lottery by Shirley Jackson and annotate as you go.
Over the next three periods you will write an essay (rough draft and final draft in pen). Follow the prompt. The story is intriguing and if you spend a fair amount of time thinking about it before you write, you should be able to write something that we will all want to read. Remember, that is always the objective when writing: write a piece that people will find interesting or insightful and well thought out. B's go to essays that are well supported. A's go to the essays that are well supported AND insightful.

Sept 17/18

Quiz--poem, 40 literary terms, Young Goodman Brown
Give points for annotation of summer reading novel.
15 more minutes to finish PSAT Writing Test.

Read The Lottery by Shirley Jackson and annotate as you go.
Over the next three periods you will write an essay (rough draft and final draft in pen). Follow the prompt. The story is intriguing and if you spend a fair amount of time thinking about it before you write, you should be able to write something that we will all want to read. Remember, that is always the objective when writing: write a piece that people will find interesting or insightful and well thought out. B's go to essays that are well supported. A's go to the essays that are well supported AND insightful.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


1. Take PSAT Writing section test--30 minutes. I will also give you an additional 10 minutes to finish

section 3 from yesterday.

In order for us to use the same scantron sheet, mark "A" for numbers 49 and 50 and then bubble in 

answers for the Writing test starting at number 51 (1 is 51, 2 is 52, etc.)

2. Learn all literary terms by Thursday/Friday (yes, 40, but you already know most)
3. Print Summer Reading Essay and bring it to class Thursday/Friday (17th). 

Summer reading essay due Sunday 27th  };^}

4. Young Goodman Brown
Homework tonight:

Reread Nathaniel Hawthorne's short story Young Goodman Brown
Print it and bring to class.You will have a reading comprehension quiz over it at the beginning of the period next time and will also have to write out the first three lines of Song of the Open Road. We will combine this test with the literary terms test. 18 points total (5+3+10)

5. Next time, Bring How to Read Literature Like a College Professor AND your summer reading book. You will be sharing ideas from your book and won't have anything to do if you don't bring it. If you didn't hear about summer reading because you went to a different school last year, bring the summer reading book that you have chosen and I will give you reading time. Thanks!

IGNORE THE FOLLOWING. IT'S FROM LAST YEAR For start memorizing the first 10 words from the Scarlet Letter vocabulary list, which are found on this Quizlet list of 25 Scarlet Letter words. You will be tested on these first 10 words Thursday or Friday September 24/25 and the remainiing 15 the following Thur/Friday, Oct 1,2. Throughout the year we learn 10 words per week and have a vocabulary quiz every Friday (some of the blog entries you will read have been recycled from the things last year. Anytime you read "due Friday" that means due the last day of the week for your class). It is not my responsibility to remind you that you will be quizzed. NOTE: Many "B" students drop from the "A" because they don't ace all of the vocab quizzes.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Welcome to Honors American Lit!

Welcome to Honors American Lit

S.A.T.  I recommend that you all take the SAT between now and January. Because you have taken the PSAT, you are familiar with the format and might do better on the current SAT than you will on the Revised SAT (percentile rating, that is).

--The best books, they don't talk about things you never thought about before. They talk about things you'd always thought about, but that you didn't think anyone else had thought about. You read them, and suddenly you're a little bit less alone in the world. You're part of this cosmic community of people who've thought about this thing, whatever it happens to be. -Tommey Wallach
Class syllabus
1. Read syllabus, have parent or guardian read it, sign, and return Monday.
2. Learn all names by Thursday after next.
3. Learn all literary terms by next Thursday/Friday (yes, 40, but you already know most)
4. Finish Getting to Know You handout, including 1/2 page telling me about yourself. Make it interesting and revealing. I want to know the real you, not just typical biographical information--your passions, what makes you tick, things like that. Due Monday.
5. Print Summer Reading Essay and bring it to class next Thursday/Friday (17th). Actually due Sunday 27th };^}
6. Bring your copy of How to Read Literature like a college professor next Tuesday.
7. First three lines of Song of the Open Road by Whitman Monday.

What can I say, I love teaching Honors American Lit where the discussions are lively, the insights keen, and the writing enjoyable to read (please keep it that way   :^]

Rather than create a website, I've set up this blog for our class and you will be required to view it from time to time.  I prefer blogs to websites because they can be updated so easily and they also give you the opportunity to comment on the things that are said here and to give me input concerning neat and useful links to add to the "Resources" tab and the "Cool Stuff "tab."

My goal is to make this class as stimulating as it is challenging. The works that I've chosen for us to study, as well as the assignments, should give you opportunities to think through challenging issues and to solidify your new ideas as you write your papers and produce creative projects.

Class today (actually today and tomorrow):
1. The American Dream
  • National Public Radio (NPR) video on the singer Bruce Springsteen and the American   Dream. Springsteen's American Dream--Beautiful and Bleak  
  • Born to Run with lyrics (Bruce Springsteen)  Discuss meaning of the song. And a link to the lyrics: Born to Run
  • Compare and contrast the poems Song of the Open Road by Walt Whitman, and 
  • I am Waiting, by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Both deal with the American dream. Which is more similar to Springsteen's Born to Run? Why do you think these poets and singers see the American dream differently?
  • As a group, decide what the song Born to Run is saying.  Take notes.
  • Homework: Write three paragraphs telling me what you think Springsteen is saying. Remember, good writing makes a specific point, supports that point with specific examples, and discusses those examples.
  • Another Whitman poem: I Hear America Singing
  • Literary terms--Quizlet
My hope is that you'll find the class both challenging and fun.
Homework (to be done tonight)
1. The first thing I'd like you to do is to have your parent or guardian read the syllabus.
2. Start memorizing the first 10 words from the Scarlet Letter vocabulary list, which are found on this Quizlet list of 25 Scarlet Letter words. You will be tested on these first 10 words Thursday or Friday and all 25 next Thur/Friday. We learn 10 words per week and have a vocabulary quiz every Friday (some of the blog entries you will read have been recycled from the things last year. Anytime you read "due Friday" that means due the last day of the week for your class). It is not my responsibility to remind you that you will be quizzed. NOTE: Many "B" students drop from the "A" because they don't ace all of the vocab quizzes.
4. Begin memorizing the names of all students in class. Quiz next Friday. Yes, it's true, I make you memorize everyone's name because we have lots of class discussions and I want you to be able to refer to one another by name. "Yes, I agree with what Jimmy is saying," "You know, Gladys, I have to respectfully disagree with you on this point."
5. Do mental calisthenics to make the transition from "kicked back summer mode" to "hardworking, conscientious student and seeker of truth."
6. Memorize the first three lines of Walt Whitman's poem "The Open Road" for this Friday (see link above)