Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Semester 2 Begins -- Of Mice and Men

HOMEWORK: FIND and print A POEM written by one of the following poets:

Read Of Mice and Men
Vocabulary for Next Thur/Friday: Of Mice and Men, Quizlet deck
Words: "aloof" through "meager"
For Thur/Fri Feb 9/10, all of the remaining words (about 15)
Discuss Of Mice and Men, chapter 1
What kind of person is George?      Examples
1. Compassionate                           1.
2. Fatherly; stern                            1.
3. Humble                                      1.
4. Smart                                         1.
What kind of person is the Boss?    Examples
1.                                                    1.
2.                                                    1.
What kind of person is Curley?      Examples
1.                                                    1.
2.                                                    1.
What kind of person is Slim?      Examples
1.                                                    1.
2.                                                    1.
What kind of person is Crooks?      Examples
1.                                                    1.
2.                                                    1.
What kind of person is Curley's Wife?      Examples
1.                                                    1.
2.                                                    1.

Why do they travel around, and why travel together?
Great Depression

Poetry/Poesia, Pablo Neruda
Introduction to Poetry, by Billy Collins
Poetry--Robert Frost
The Pasture
The Pasture, choral rendition

Next week:
Edwin Arlington ROBINSON, T.S. ELIOT, or Carl SANDBURG, or E.E. CUMMINGS,
Denise LEVERTOV, Elizabeth BISHOP, Sylvia PLATH,  Gwendolyn BROOKS, or Adrienne RICH
Maya ANGELOU, Billy COLLINS, William Carlos WILLIAMS

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

January 17, 2017 Mr. Isom's birthday (feel free to bring lavish gifts!)

HOMEWORK: READ THE YELLOW WALLPAPER  Be prepared to discuss The Yellow Wallpaper next time. (10 pages).
The Yellow Wallpaper, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
The Yellow Wallpaper, annotated
Ain't I a Woman, by Sojourner Truth

ESSAY DUE in one week

I will allow essays to come in Monday, January 23rd with no penalty, but I sure would like to have them before the weekend. It really would be in your best interest to write it before Monday, too, so that you can study for final exams.

Find examples from sources for Huck Finn argumentative essay.
1. Minorities in 19th Century America could not truly be free.
2. The literature of 19th Century America does/does not fully embody the American Dream.
3. Slavery. Argue your own thesis concerning slavery. What have we discussed in class?
4. Huck Finn should/should not be censored.  You don't have to limit argument to "N" word.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

ESSAY DUE in one week

I will allow essays to come in Monday, January 23rd with no penalty, but I sure would like to have them before the weekend. It really would be in your best interest to write it before Monday, too, so that you can study for final exams.

Find examples from sources for Huck Finn argumentative essay.
1. Minorities in 19th Century America could not truly be free.
2. The literature of 19th Century America does/does not fully embody the American Dream.
3. Slavery. Argue your own thesis concerning slavery. What have we discussed in class?
4. Huck Finn should/should not be censored.  You don't have to limit argument to "N" word.

Class discussion:
The Feud--why are they having a feud? How does Twain feel about this?
Where are the bullet holes supposed to be if you're killed in a fight?
Sir Walter Scott
Emmeline Grangerford poetry.
Slave traders
Huck--Follow your conscience, or Conscience

HOMEWORK: Finish chapter 31 at least.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Discuss Huck, chapters 8-15
Next time we will discuss 16-18 (you must have finished 18)
You just might have a quiz over 1-19 next time. }:^}

Final exam: Huckleberry Finn, 80 point reading comprehension test similar to Scarlet Letter test.
Final paper: Huck Finn essay. 50 points, due 19th/20th

Leonard Pitts, Jr. on censorship of the "N-word" in Huck Finn.
Maya Angelou--She likened the N-word, as she feels obligated to call it, as a container whose contents are labeled, "poison." The container is only the holder of the poison. Change the container and the poison is still poison.

Dave Chappelle use of the "N-word" on SNL
SNL opening monolog