Thursday, May 24, 2018

Wednesday, May 16, 2018


TODAY: Sign up for poet. Choose one poem to share with the class on Friday. You will do the following:
1. Give us a bit of background to the poet and his or her work. Research.
2. Read the poem
3. Tell us what the poem means (either the standard interpretation or yours). 

Choose from the following list of poets:
T.S. Eliot, William Carlos Williams, Carl Sandburg, E.E. Cummings, Robert Frost, Harlem Renaissance poet; Sylvia Plath, Denise Levertov, Gwendolyn Brooks,, Billy Collins, or other contemporary poet

Final Exam: 
1.The Bean Trees; 
2. 50 Vocabulary--Norman Schur book 

50 Words for Final Exam taken from 1000 Most Important Words

Make a Quizlet deck with example sentences for the following words:
anathema, dichotomy, fulsome jejune, kowtow, panache, pedestrian, presage, quintessential, seamy, slake, sybarite, trenchant, vacuous

When you finish, share with my Quizlet Classroom
Here's an example: 50 Example Sentences for All 50 Words for Final
The Bean Trees
Reading Schedule. Be on the listed page for each of these dates:
May 14th  p. 46
May 16th  p. 71
May 18th  p. 102
May 21st  p. 146
May 23rd  p. 176
May 25th  p. 203
May 30th p. 254
June 1st p. 284
June 4th done

As  you read, find examples from the book that deal with the following three thematic topics:
(a total of three for each is fine if three different people are referred to)
The Quest--female version from 21st Century
1. When Missy leaves Pittman, she is on a journey to find who she really is. (page 16) "The second promise, the one that broke, had to do with where I would end up...And so what I promised myself is that I would drive west until my car stopped running, and there I would stay."
1. At the part of the book where she was looking for a job, she had expected the teacher to pick the girls who are rich enough to buy clothes or the other guy who were good at dissecting, however she was chosen only because she was the first one asked.
Social Responsibility
1. She gets a job to not just support herself but also her mother
2.She takes in the Cherokee child
3. When she stops at the hotel she offers to work off whatever she can't pay off with money
Is Taylor Greer someone you might choose as a friend?


What kind of person is she? Find two sentences that reveal her character.
(Funny, kind, independent, interesting, smart, etc.) 
1."You ever heard of a Polaroid memory?" 
1. "So I'm not going to beat around the bush. I've got a big problem, I cant really afford to pay for a room and i wouldn't even bother you except I've got a child..." pg 29 - She doesn't make up a random story, instead she just tells the truth for the sake of the lady at the counter not herself
1. "I could never figure out why men thought they could impress a woman by making the world out to be such a big dangerous deal. I mean, we've got to live in the exact same world every damn day of the week, don't we?"



Family centered

Monday, May 14, 2018


Just read THE BEAN TREES    Q U I E T L Y   and study your vocabulary

Final Exam: The Bean Trees; 50 Vocabulary--Norman Schur book

The Bean Trees
Reading Schedule. Be on the listed page for each of these dates:
May 14th  p. 46
May 16th  p. 71
May 18th  p. 102
May 21st  p. 146
May 23rd  p. 176
May 25th  p. 203
May 30th p. 254
June 1st p. 284
June 4th done

As  you read, find examples from the book that deal with the following three thematic topics:
The Quest--female version from 21st Century
1. When Missy leaves Pittman, she is on a journey to find who she really is. (page 16) "The second promise, the one that broke, had to do with where I would end up...And so what I promised myself is that I would drive west until my car stopped running, and there I would stay."
1. At the part of the book where she was looking for a job, she had expected the teacher to pick the girls who are rich enough to buy clothes or the other guy who were good at dissecting, however she was chosen only because she was the first one asked.
Social Responsibility
1. She gets a job to not just support herself but also her mother
2.She takes in the Cherokee child
3. When she stops at the hotel she offers to work off whatever she can't pay off with money

Friday, May 11, 2018

Friday, May 11

Final Exam: The Bean Trees; 50 Vocabulary--Norman Schur book

The Bean Trees
Reading Schedule. Be on the listed page for each of these dates:
May 14th  p. 46
May 16th  p. 71
May 18th  p. 102
May 21st  p. 146
May 23rd  p. 176
May 25th  p. 203
May 30th p. 254
June 1st p. 284
June 4th done

As  you read, find examples from the book that deal with the following three thematic topics:
The Quest--female version from 21st Century
1. When Missy leaves Pittman, she is on a journey to find who she really is. (page 16) "The second promise, the one that broke, had to do with where I would end up...And so what I promised myself is that I would drive west until my car stopped running, and there I would stay."
1. At the part of the book where she was looking for a job, she had expected the teacher to pick the girls who are rich enough to buy clothes or the other guy who were good at dissecting, however she was chosen only because she was the first one asked.
Social Responsibility
1. She gets a job to not just support herself but also her mother
2.She takes in the Cherokee child
3. When she stops at the hotel she offers to work off whatever she can't pay off with money

Monday, May 7, 2018

Vocab quiz on Wednesday, May 9th
Quiz: Vocabulary--Difficult Words:  words 21-30: "vitiated-deferential"
Pass back DWA essays (and then you give them back)
Prezi Presentation on Of Mice and Men. This presentation seems to miss the point of the book. Do you agree? Remember, you don't have to agree with your teacher to earn an "A"!

The Sneetches, by Dr. Seuss--text

The Bean Trees

As  you read, find examples from the book that deal with the following three thematic topics:

The Quest--female version from 21st Century

Social Responsibility


Friday, May 4, 2018

Vocab quiz on Wednesday, May 9th
Quiz: Vocabulary--Difficult Words:  words 21-30: "vitiated-deferential"

We will be starting our last in-class novel of the year on Monday.
Check out The Bean Trees
If you finish Of Mice and Men and would like to start The Bean Trees, go ahead. You'll like it.

Over the weekend: Finish Of Mice and Men.
To a Mouse, by Robert Burns
What themes do we see in Burns' poem and how are they related to the novel?

Today: Discuss examples from the book of Steinbeck's primary themes:

Themes:                         To a Mouse                        Of Mice and Men
1. It is a harsh,            Mouse is small and                                          
often unfair world        vulnerable--homeless and,
    that makes people   could die. at the mercy of 
 vulnerable.                  human beings (fellow              

2. Most people are      Farmers make more
selfish and try to          profits by killing mice.
    get ahead at the      It's a dog eat dog 
expense of others        world. Survival of the
3. We have a moral     Because we are fellow
responsibility to           mortals, we should be
    compassionately     compassionate of mice
 help people in need   and help them find

4. People find              
happiness through 
community and 
Socialism vs. Capitalism