Thursday, November 21, 2019

1. Create your Walden Poster 
2. Finish chapter 10 in The Scarlet Letter. We will be discussing on December 2

Scarlet Letter Vocabulary
quiz Thursday, Dec 5 over words preternatural-denizen
Read chapters 5-10, Scarlet Letter
Discuss chapters 1-4
Characteristics of Romanticism in the novel, with examples
Beethoven--characteristics of Romanticism in Pathetique Sonata
    Pathetique, Opus 13, 1st movement, performed by Isabella Jacques (she's a sophomore :)
    Pathetique, Opus 13, 1st movement, performed by Vladamir Ashkenazy (critically acclaimed)

EXTRA--for those who are interested (not required, but very interesting)
Apple Computers TV ad narrated by Steve Jobs
The Crazy Ones  And the same message at Jobs' memorial service Crazy Ones
Can you see that the message of this ad is in line with Emerson and Thoreau's thinking?
Do Schools Kill Creativity?--Sir Kenneth Robinson. The is the #1 TED Talk of all time.
Changing Education Paradigms, by Sir Kenneth Robinson--FASCINATING
In what ways is the message of this TED Talk in line with Emerson and Thoreau's thinking?

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

November 14

1. Read up to page 65 of Walden. Find approximately 10 significant quotes. Even if you've already got 25 quotes, you'll find some of the best ones in these pages.
Ongoing assignment: Read pages 1-64 of Walden and compile a list of 25 significant quotes. It's fine to have a list of more than 25--just make sure that you have 25 good ones before Monday, November 18!
2. quotes (25 pts.)  and Journal (20 pts.) due Monday, November 18):
Write a 1/2 page response to one of the quotes, a 1/2 page response to a second quote, and a full page response to a third. What does the quote mean and why do you like it? You might also discuss how it relates to other parts of the book.
NOTE: This is not a novel and doesn't have much plot. Therefore, you're reading for the good ideas found here. There are many parts of the book that you won't quite follow, but that's OK. Just keep reading until something does grab your attention (do read most, just not all).
3. Read chapters 1, 2 of Scarlet Letter (only 12 pages)


Walden Poster practice exercise (15 min)
Start Scarlet Letter Annotate pages 1-2. Read to end of chapter 2 over the weekend (10 pages).
Watch Dead Poets Society intro. Find examples of Transcendentalism in the movie.
In-class reading (20 min). Continue your list of quotes. Finish for Monday.

OPTIONAL: Because the vocabulary level of Walden and, especially, The Scarlet Letter is so high, I've included these vocabulary lists for you to refer to as you read:
Scarlet Letter Vocabulary
Walden Vocabulary

EXTRA--for those who are interested (not required, but very interesting)
Apple Computers TV ad narrated by Steve Jobs
The Crazy Ones  And the same message at Jobs' memorial service Crazy Ones
Can you see that the message of this ad is in line with Emerson and Thoreau's thinking?
Changing Education Paradigms, by Sir Kenneth Robinson--FASCINATING
In what ways is the message of this TED Talk in line with Emerson and Thoreau's thinking?

Monday, November 4, 2019

Tuesday, November 5. 363 days to election day!!!

1. Memorize vocabulary 1-15 from Walden Vocabulary--quiz Thursday
Walden Vocabulary
2. Make Google Doc of example sentences  for 10 of  the vocab words
3. Read pages 1-21 of Walden. Find approximately 10 significant quotes.
Ongoing assignment: Read pages 1-64 of Walden and compile a list of 25 significant quotes.
Journal (next week): Write a 1/2 page response to one of the quotes, a 1/2 page response to a second quote, and a full page response to a third. What does the quote mean and why do you like it? You might also discuss how it relates to other parts of the book.
NOTE: This is not a novel and doesn't have much plot. Therefore, you're reading for the good ideas found here. There are many parts of the book that you won't quite follow, but that's ok. Just keep reading until something does grab your attention. Just be sure that you end up with 25 quotes by the end!

For those who are interested: Fall of the House of Usher movie
scarier movie (a bit campy, too) Vincent Prince Fall of the House of Usher
"Poetry is a house, and for Edgar Allan Poe, that house is haunted"--Rusty Brown

Tuesday: Finish the video The Terror of the Soul and take notes

Thursday: Nature walk--bring jacket
Scarlet Letter Vocabulary
ignominy, contumacious, inauspicious, sagacious, vie, anathema, cabalistic, deportment, erudite, inextricable, inimical, portent, asperity, despotic, innate, petulant, consecration, denizen, harrowing

Tuesday homework: Read chapters 1-4 of The Scarlet Letter. Find five examples of Romanticism and very briefly state how they illustrate the ideas of Romanticism.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Monday, November 4

1. Memorize vocabulary 1-15 from Walden Vocabulary--quiz Thursday
Walden Vocabulary
2. Read pages 1-3 of Walden. Find two significant quotes.
Ongoing assignment: Read pages 1-64 of Walden and compile a list of 25 significant quotes.
Journal: Write a 1/2 page response to one of the quotes, a 1/2 page response to a second quote, and a full page response to a third. What does the quote mean and why do you like it? You might also discuss how it relates to other parts of the book.
NOTE: This is not a novel and doesn't have much plot. Therefore, you're reading for the good ideas found here. There are many parts of the book that you won't quite follow, but that's ok. Just keep reading until something does grab your attention. Just be sure that you end up with 25 quotes by the end!

Listen to the last 5 minutes of the story
Fall of the House of Usher (audiobook)
List 5 examples of Romanticism in the story FHU

Start Walden
HW: Read pages 1-3

"Poetry is a house, and for Edgar Allan Poe, that house is haunted"--Rusty Brown

Tuesday: Finish the video The Terror of the Soul and take notes

Thursday: Nature walk--bring jacket
Scarlet Letter Vocabulary
Weekend homework: Read chapters 1-4 of The Scarlet Letter. Find five examples of Romanticism and very briefly state how they illustrate the ideas of Romanticism.