Friday, February 15, 2013

February 15

Vocabulary for Friday: The Grapes of WRATH

Today we will do a close reading of a passage from Of Mice and Men. It is the passage wherein Curley's wife menacingly asks Crooks, "You know what I could do to you?"
Color mark the passage and we will discuss it as a class.

Remember, your essay (see last post) is due Tuesday at the beginning of class.  Before you hand it in, check for five things:
1. Make sure that it is grammatically perfect.  Have someone proofread it.  Watch commas.
2. The first sentence needs to be engaging.  Be sure that we feel compelled to keep reading.
3. You need to have an interesting, insightful, and specific thesis concerning the point that the artist is making about the subject. If you can't come up with something interesting to say, choose another photo. }:-{ 
4. Be sure to find very specific examples to discuss. At least two of these examples need to deal with the artist's use of the elements of visual art.
5. Be sure that you discuss these examples, showing how they support your thesis.
Note: about half of the papers I receive are lacking in every single one of these points.  And typically only 2-5 papers excel at points  3 and 5.

You might want to do Tuesday night's homework this weekend.  It is to read the ending of The Grapes of Wrath. That's chapter 28 to the end.  According to my best calculations, chapter 28 starts 1/7th of the way up from the bottom of the online text found at the following link: The Grapes of Wrath

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