Thursday, February 6, 2020


HOMEWORK: We will have 50 minutes of class time today to finish the  first draft of your Commentary (5 pts.) If that is not enough time for you, work on it at home.
HOMEWORK over the weekend:
     1. Finish final draft of Commentary (20 pts.)
     2. Complete Commentary checklist and self-evaluation (5 points)
 MONDAY'S HW: Read Intro to Modern Age in The American Experience (pp. 693-707)
         Read Intro to Hemingway in The American Experience (pp. 720, 721)

Type 2-3 page double-spaced Commentary (see handout) on a poem by Emily Dickinson
or Walt Whitman

   Example: Spring and Fall--to a Young Child
     We will work on your Commentary in class today
         Draft 1 due Today (5 pts) (I will simply come around and check to verify progress
     We will revise on Thur/Fri during class
         Final draft due Monday, Feb 10, 11:59 PM (20 pts.)

Whitman Poems
When I Heard the Learned Astronomer, by Walt Whitman
Top Ten Whitman Poems
Dickinson Poems
 I died for beauty, by Emily Dickinson
Some keep the sabbath
I cannot live with you
Top 15 Dickinson Poems

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