Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Let the Games Begin, and May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor

What can I say, I love teaching Honors American Lit where the discussions are lively, the insights keen, and the writing enjoyable to read (keep it that way :~]

Rather than create a website, I've set up this blog for our class and you will be required to view it from time to time.  I prefer blogs to websites because they can be updated so easily and they also give you the opportunity to comment on the things that are said here. I think it's important for the class to be a dynamic, organic thing, with each person making contributions. If you want to just sit back, take notes, ace multiple-choice tests--well. . . but who likes that, really?

The first thing I'd like you to do is to go to  the "Handouts" tab, open the syllabus, and print it.  Then read it, sign it, and have your parent or guardian sign it.  Detach the part at the bottom (keep the rest) and bring it to class by Friday.  Thanks!

Scarlet Letter Vocabulary List
Test on first 10 Friday, September 13th. Each week we will memorize ten.

Here's what you'll be doing today:
Garbage Man Job Recommendation Letter

Write a well-reasoned letter convincing me to hire Byron or Pete. In a way, it's hard to imagine not hiring either one of these guys. Pick one, though (take a stand--thesis) and do your best to convince me to hire your favorite candidate.
Hand in at the first of the period tomorrow.

Garbage Man Essay

Tomorrow bring your copy of How to Read Literature Like a College Professor (yes, some of you are starting to panic right about now).
Also bring  your summer reading book and essay (not actually due until Friday the 13th (a bit a propos, don't you think?). Students who do bring in the essay tomorrow get +2 extra credit points.

How to Mark Literature

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