1. Go Over Practice SAT (we didn't get to this so we'll start the period with it tomorrow)
2. Color mark poem
Here's the list of poems: Summer Poems
3. Homework:
Finish up college application essay so you can hand it in tomorrow. Be sure to have someone proofread it! Remember, the title needs to be engaging and by the end of the first sentence I need to feel compelled to continue reading.
Review vocabulary for Friday's quiz
*Summer reading is due Friday (yes, as in day after tomorrow)
Here's how to access our class on Turnitin.com
Username: 6979259
Password: saxons
Yeah, I should have come up with something better for the password, something more "Englishy." Maybe, "whatareyougoingtodowithyouronewildandpreciouslife"
We've been extra busy lately. Things will calm down a bit in a week or two.
Here's my little mantra for you to help you not feel overwhelmed:
Breathing in I calm my body; breathing out, I smile
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